Your temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the hinge connecting your upper and lower jaws together. This is one of the more complex joints of the body, functioning as the major tool in moving your lower jaw to help you speak, eat, and even yawn. When there is a problem with this joint, you need to seek care with Dr. Mike Henrickson and our dental professionals to help relieve you of your pain and discomfort. We want to help you get back to your regular lifestyle of speaking, eating, and chewing without pain.
Symptoms of TMJ include:
– Earaches, headaches, and/or pressure or pain behind the eyes
– Popping or clicking when you close or open your mouth
– You experience pain when closing or opening your mouth (yawning, chewing, or even speaking)
– Your jaw muscles are tender
– Your jaw collapses easily or locks up
– Misaligned teeth
To help eliminate pain, speak to our professionals about what treatment is right for you. Some steps you can take in reducing your pain is taking medication, reduce any clenching or grinding of your teeth by wearing a mouth guard, or find relaxation techniques that work best for you as a stress-reliever.
For more information on how to treat your TMJ, call Twin Cities Modern Dentistry in Burnsville, Minnesota at 952-941-9829. Dr. Mike Henrickson and our dental team will be happy to help you and your smile today!