If you are ready to transform your smile into the oral health care masterpiece it’s destined for; you always need to make sure that all teeth are accounted for. Even a single missing or lost tooth is enough to completely disrupt your oral health. Thus, tooth prosthetics will be needed if any teeth are missing. If you do have missing teeth, consider dentures.
When selecting a pair of dentures, understand that they can be crafted for as little as a single tooth, referred to as partial dentures, or they can be crafted for entire rows of teeth, referred to as complete dentures. No matter which pair you select, your oral health needs early should always take precedence over your oral health wishes.
Dentures are tremendously popular due to their ability to be extracted and taken out as needed for easy cleaning. However, dentures tend to be very fragile, so exercise caution when handling them. In addition, avoid using abrasive cleaning products on your dentures, such as bleach, hot water, and teeth whiteners.
If you are interested in a denture treatment from Twin Cities Modern Dentistry at our dentist office in Burnsville, Minnesota, call us at 952-941-9829. Dr. Mike Henrickson and Dr. Chue Cha look forward to enhancing your smile!