Restore Multiple Teeth at Once with a Dental Bridge

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The loss of several teeth means it’s time to consider your options for dental restorations in order to regain the oral functions that have been weakened by tooth loss. Two of the most common choices for tooth replacement are a dental bridge and dentures. We would be delighted to help you determine if a dental bridge is the right choice for your smile after the loss of several teeth.

There are some important differences that separate dental bridges from dentures, such as that dentures can replace an entire arch of missing teeth, while dental bridges are more effective at replacing three teeth or less. Most denture appliances are removable, but dental bridges are typically secured to your smile by a dental professional to become a long-lasting part of your bite. Our experienced dentists can review the needs of your smile and your preferences to help you select a dental restoration.

Dental bridges are very effective when it comes to replacing a few lost or extracted teeth, as they are made with metal and customizable dental materials that can match the color, size and shape of the teeth they are replacing. Having a dental bridge placed can help you comfortably speak and chew without worry. You can keep your dental bridge in good care by treating it as you would any other area of your smile, with daily tooth brushing and flossing daily and regular dental checkups with the dentist twice a year.

Receiving a dental restoration as soon as possible is necessary to improving the health of your smile. We encourage you to learn more about dental bridges in Burnsville, Minnesota, by scheduling a consultation with Drs. Henrickson, Cha, and Dahl. Contact Twin Cities Modern Dentistry at 952-941-9829 today to make your appointment!